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Get Your Brand Together! Make it Reusable & Scalable


Let's delve into the significance of CSS variables in brand management. This discussion transcends art and brand theories, focusing instead on the practical aspects of reusability and scalability. In the dynamic landscape where entities interact with a myriad of platforms, partnerships, tools, and programs, maintaining consistent brand representation becomes paramount. Picture your company as an entity navigating through diverse online channels. Are you equipped to consistently showcase your best logo and identity, or are you hastily selecting any available logo and providing minimal information? Seizing control of your brand involves mastering your online presence, ensuring it is both reusable and scalable across the multitude of contexts.


Colors are an indispensable element of any brand, whether they are #000000 (black) or #FFFFFF (white). The objective is to select colors that resonate with your brand identity and consistently apply them across all brand elements.

How many colors should you have? I recommend four main colors: a dark color, a light color, a gray color, and perhaps specific colors for success, warning, error, and info in system actions, making a total of seven brand colors. If you wish to delve deeper, identify relationships between these seven colors and create different palettes for various aspects of your company or customer journey. While maintaining variable colors allows creativity in a controlled environment, startups may find it more practical to start with two to three colors without overcomplicating the process.

It's crucial to be able to identify your colors across different mediums, necessitating the creation of a color profile. This is an opportune time to give creative names to your colors. Many companies adopt this practice, considering that there are only 255 available web colors, making color trademarking uncommon. Regardless of the names, ensure your colors are documented in various format types.

Color Types

There are several coded formats to identify colors. Here's an overview:

RGB Color Codes:

Red, Green, Blue represent the digital visual spectrum. This format is commonly used in print design.

RGBA Color Codes:

Red, Green, Blue, Alpha (opacity or transparency). Useful for elements where transparency is required.

Hexadecimal Color Codes:

A web format denoted by a combination of six characters. Important for a solid color scheme.

HSL Color Codes:

Hue, Saturation, Lightness. A more abstract color format that offers a different way to manipulate the color spectrum. Valuable for web applications and may become a standard.

Having multiple formats prepares you for various situations. Imagine ordering shirts on a Friday, and a company offers to start production if you provide brand info immediately. Having a folder with your brand colors in different formats can save time and effort.

For a detailed exploration of colors from a web perspective, check out this article from Josh W. Comeau, which includes interactive tools for a more engaging read.

Color Examples

Don't hesitate to use your colors when presenting your brand; consider it the beginning of your brand book. Brand books are not only excellent marketing materials but also facilitate seamless onboarding for contractors and organizations promoting and enhancing your brand. They eliminate guesswork while keeping you in control. Craft a compelling brand book that inspires adherence to standards and encourages others to leverage your brand effectively.


Selecting a font for your brand is only the beginning; having that font readily accessible is crucial to ensure consistent representation by anyone promoting or working with your brand. Accessibility is key, sparing your brand from potential misrepresentations due to unavailability. It's not just about having the font files; it's about having them in various formats. A quick solution is to use services like Transfonter, where you can upload one or more fonts and generate a font kit encompassing all necessary formats in under a minute. Organize these font files in a dedicated folder for easy retrieval.

If you prefer a hassle-free approach, consider utilizing Google Fonts. They offer web-friendly fonts accessible either through their CDN or via downloads for graphic design work. All you need is a link to the font.

For brand typography, it's common to adopt two fonts. For instance, at Khaotic Digital, we employ one font for our logo, an accent font for banners and focal areas, and a distinct body font. The accent font, conveniently provided through a Transfonter font kit seamlessly integrated into our website theme, ensures a cohesive and polished presentation.

For additional inspiration and guidance on Google Font pairings, explore various ideas at PageCloud.


When crafting a logo, give yourself a valuable head start by creating two versions: a transparent version cropped to the edge of the design and a framed version set against your background color with a bit of padding. Ensure you produce these versions in various sizes, ranging from 80px to 1200px wide.

Consider the diverse contexts in which your logo might be utilized — whether you need a stacked version, a long version, a round version, an icon-only version, or even a favicon version. Anticipate these needs and meticulously create, export, and organize each version into neatly labeled folders. While you might eventually showcase these on a press and branding page of your corporate website, the immediate benefit is having a logo tailored for every service, software, platform, and community you engage with. This proactive approach proves especially handy when contractors seek branding materials, and you can effortlessly provide a comprehensive brand kit with colors and logos for every situation.

One crucial aspect to consider with logos is SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). SVG serves as both a coding language and a file type. If your logos are in .svg format, they are lightweight graphic images. Utilizing SVG code offers even more flexibility, allowing you to manipulate the logo as an object using CSS and JavaScript. If you possess the technical capabilities, consider including a .txt file containing your logo as SVG code. This approach, akin to HTML code, facilitates manipulation of inner parts through CSS and JavaScript, providing a lightweight alternative to image files in many cases.

Utility Elements

Whether embarking on a print design, web design, billboards, or any other project, it's crucial to delve into the utility elements that contribute to the cohesiveness of your brand. Consider the following elements:


Define the space between lines of text, headers, paragraphs, and around blocks of text. Establishing clear guidelines for spacing ensures a consistent and visually appealing layout across all brand materials.

Borders and Layouts

Decide how text about your brand should be presented. Consider options like a tight background, a loose background, or no background at all. Explore preferences regarding overlapping elements and whether you want borders framing your brand message. Specify which sides of the borders should be used and define the colors to be employed. While this aspect may seem complex, it plays a pivotal role in maintaining a unified visual identity.


Establish guidelines for images representing your brand. Given that images serve as visual windows into different times and places, it's crucial to set rules to ensure consistency. Consider partnering with an image provider and making it accessible to anyone working on your brand, ensuring the use of reputable sources for visual content.

Buttons and CTAs (Call to Actions)

Whether for web or print, your brand will incorporate calls to action. This encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from simple lines of text to buttons and graphic components in advertisements. Clearly define the styles, colors, and placements for buttons and CTAs to maintain a cohesive brand presence across various materials.

These utility elements are the often-overlooked details that contribute significantly to the overall aesthetic and coherence of your brand. By establishing clear guidelines for spacing, layouts, images, and interactive elements, you create a framework that empowers consistent and effective brand communication.

CSS Variables: The Backbone of Brand Consistency

At the outset of this article, I promised a discussion on CSS variables, and despite delving into the intricacies of branding technicalities, what we've really accomplished is laying the groundwork for setting up CSS variables for a brand in the most effective manner.

The beauty of CSS variables lies in their ability to seamlessly integrate your brand specifications into the development process. By incorporating the information generated above into CSS variables, you gain the power to propagate changes throughout your CSS effortlessly. Picture this: tweak a variable, and it ripples across your entire design. For theme developers, this is where you plug in your theme settings, controlling them at a GUI settings level. In platforms like Hubspot, these variables effortlessly integrate into Hubspot's theme framework. In Django, I employ a custom template system, ensuring these variables are available in the admin or Wagtail admin interfaces. It's the epitome of ultimate brand control.

With the foundational concepts in mind, I encourage you to explore these resources that delve deeper into the realm of CSS variables:

  1. MDN Web Docs - Using CSS Custom Properties
  2. W3Schools - CSS Variables
  3. CSS-Tricks - A Complete Guide to Custom Properties

These resources will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to harness the power of CSS variables effectively. By integrating these practices, you pave the way for a streamlined and consistent brand representation in your development workflow.

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